Beyond Euclid: A New Frontier in Machine Learning

Machine learning has come a long way since its inception, but most of it has been confined to the familiar territory of Euclidean space. The paper "Beyond Euclid: An Illustrated Guide to Modern Machine Learning with Geometric, Topological, and Algebraic Structures" by Sophia Sanborn and her colleagues aims to break these boundaries. It introduces a comprehensive review of machine learning techniques that leverage non-Euclidean structures like geometry, topology, and algebra. The goal is to generalize classical methods to handle data with complex structures, moving beyond the traditional Euclidean framework.

The Core Idea

The fundamental concept here is simple yet profound: data in the real world often possesses intricate geometric, topological, and algebraic structures. Traditional machine learning methods, which operate in Euclidean space, can miss out on these complexities. By incorporating non-Euclidean structures, we can capture the intrinsic properties of the data more effectively.

Organizing the Chaos

The paper does an excellent job of organizing a vast body of literature into a coherent taxonomy. It starts by introducing essential mathematical concepts in non-Euclidean geometry, topology, and algebra. This sets the stage for categorizing machine learning methods into regression and dimensionality reduction techniques. It then delves into non-Euclidean deep learning methods, discussing neural network layers with and without attention mechanisms. The focus is on how these layers can be enriched with geometric, topological, and algebraic properties.

Distinctive Features

  1. Unified Taxonomy: One of the standout features of this paper is its graphical taxonomy. It integrates recent advances in non-Euclidean machine learning into an intuitive framework, making it easier to grasp the big picture.

  2. Comprehensive Review: The paper covers a wide range of topics, from regression and dimensionality reduction to deep learning layers and attention mechanisms.

  3. Practical Applications: It highlights real-world applications in various domains such as chemistry, structural biology, computer vision, biomedical imaging, and physics.

  4. Software Libraries: The paper lists and describes publicly available software libraries that facilitate the implementation of non-Euclidean machine learning methods.

No New Experiments, Just Insights

Interestingly, the paper doesn't conduct new experiments. Instead, it reviews existing literature and compiles results from various studies. This approach provides a comparative analysis of different non-Euclidean machine learning methods. Benchmarks like MNIST, CIFAR, Cora, Citeseer, and Pubmed are frequently used to evaluate performance. The review also discusses the number of parameters and computational efficiency of different models.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Enhanced Representation: Non-Euclidean methods can better capture the intrinsic structure of complex data.

  • Parameter Efficiency: These methods often require fewer parameters due to built-in symmetries and constraints.

  • Broad Applicability: They are applicable to a wide range of domains with structured data.


  • Computational Complexity: Some methods require complex computations such as geodesic distances or Riemannian exponential maps.

  • Specialized Knowledge: Implementing these methods often requires a deep understanding of advanced mathematical concepts.

  • Limited Benchmarks: There is a lack of standardized benchmarks for comparing different non-Euclidean methods.

A Valuable Resource

In conclusion, this paper serves as a valuable resource for researchers looking to explore the potential of geometric, topological, and algebraic structures in modern machine learning. It categorizes non-Euclidean machine learning methods based on their mathematical structure and application domains. While highlighting the unique advantages these methods offer in capturing complex data structures, it also notes their computational challenges. This review is a significant step towards making non-Euclidean machine learning more accessible and practical for a broader audience.

By moving beyond Euclid, we open up new possibilities for machine learning, enabling it to tackle problems that were previously out of reach. This paper is not just a review; it's a roadmap for the future of machine learning.