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  • Generation Constraint Scaling Can Mitigate Hallucination

Generation Constraint Scaling Can Mitigate Hallucination

Large language models (LLMs) are impressive, but they have a problem: hallucinations. These are instances where the model generates text that is plausible but factually incorrect. The paper "Generation Constraint Scaling Can Mitigate Hallucination" by Georgios Kollias, Payel Das, and Subhajit Chaudhury tackles this issue head-on. Their approach is both simple and elegant, leveraging the geometry of readout vectors in memory-augmented LLMs to reduce hallucinations without retraining the model.

The Core Idea

The main goal of this research is to see if hallucinations can be mitigated in LLMs that use explicit memory mechanisms. The authors propose a method that doesn't require any additional training. Instead, they scale the readout vector in the memory-augmented LLM decoder. This scaling aligns the readout vector with the write encodings, which helps in reducing hallucinations.

The Technical Approach

The methodology revolves around a memory-augmented LLM named Larimar. Larimar consists of three main components: an encoder, an associative memory module, and a decoder. The encoder processes textual inputs and queries, updating the memory and generating readout encodings. The decoder then generates output text constrained by these readout vectors.

The key technique here is to scale the readout vector geometrically. By doing so, the readout vector aligns better with the write encodings, reducing the chances of hallucinations. This method is training-free, making it efficient and easy to implement.

What Sets It Apart

Several features make this approach distinctive:

  1. Memory-Augmented LLM: Larimar uses an external episodic memory controller, which is not common in standard LLMs.

  2. Training-Free: The method doesn't require retraining the model, which saves computational resources.

  3. Geometry-Inspired: The idea of scaling readout vectors based on their geometric properties is both novel and effective.

Experimental Setup and Results

The authors tested their method using the WikiBio dataset, which includes Wikipedia-like biographies annotated for factual accuracy. They compared Larimar's performance with GRACE, a state-of-the-art model editing technique. The results were striking: Larimar, with scaled readout vectors, significantly outperformed GRACE in terms of RougeL and Jaccard similarity scores. Specifically, Larimar achieved a maximum RougeL score of 0.72 compared to GRACE's 0.49.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Efficiency: The method is computationally efficient, requiring only lightweight memory operations.

  • Effectiveness: It significantly reduces hallucinations without compromising generation quality.

  • Scalability: The approach can be easily scaled to different models with explicit memory mechanisms.


  • Model Dependency: The technique is inherently limited to models augmented with explicit memory mechanisms like Larimar.

  • Fixed Scaling Factor: The use of a fixed scaling factor may not be optimal for all samples, although it performs well on average.


The paper presents a novel, geometry-inspired method for mitigating hallucinations in memory-augmented LLMs by scaling readout vectors. This approach is both efficient and effective, outperforming existing methods like GRACE. While it is limited to models with explicit memory mechanisms, it offers a promising direction for future research in reducing hallucinations in LLMs.

In essence, the authors have shown that sometimes, the simplest solutions can be the most effective. By focusing on the geometry of readout vectors, they've found a way to make LLMs more reliable without the need for extensive retraining. This is a significant step forward in making AI-generated text more trustworthy and accurate.