Learning to Reason with LLMs by OpenAI

A new Model Release!

OpenAI's paper "Learning to Reason with LLMs" introduces a groundbreaking large language model (LLM) named o1, designed to handle complex reasoning tasks. The primary goal? Enhance the model’s reasoning abilities by training it to produce a long internal chain of thought before responding, mimicking how humans solve problems by breaking them down into simpler steps.

🛠️ The Technical Approach

OpenAI used a large-scale reinforcement learning algorithm to train o1, focusing on productive thinking through a chain of thought. This made the training process highly data-efficient and allowed the model’s performance to improve with increased compute during both training and testing phases.

The model was tested on various benchmarks like:

  • Competitive programming questions

  • Math Olympiads

  • PhD-level science problems

🌟 Key Features

  • 🧠 Chain of Thought Reasoning: o1 breaks down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps, similar to human problem-solving.

  • 📈 Reinforcement Learning: The model refines its strategies over time, continuously improving its reasoning abilities.

  • ⚡ Data-Efficient Training: The model learns effectively from limited data, with performance improving as more compute is allocated.

🔬 Experimental Setup and Results

The results are impressive across various challenging domains:

  • Competitive Programming: o1 ranked in the 89th percentile on Codeforces and performed well in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).

  • Math Olympiad: The model placed among the top 500 in the USA Math Olympiad qualifier (AIME).

  • Science Benchmarks: o1 exceeded PhD-level accuracy on physics, biology, and chemistry problems (GPQA).

In human preference evaluations, o1-preview was favored over GPT-4o in reasoning-heavy tasks like data analysis, coding, and math.

✅ Advantages and Limitations


  • Enhanced Reasoning: Chain of thought leads to significant performance improvements in reasoning-heavy tasks.

  • Efficient Learning: The data-efficient training process allows effective learning from limited datasets.

  • Robustness: Integration of safety rules enhances the model's reliability and alignment with human values.


  • Natural Language Tasks: The model isn’t as effective in some natural language tasks.

  • Compute Requirements: It requires substantial compute resources for optimal performance.

  • Transparency: Hiding the raw chain of thought from users may limit transparency in decision-making.

🏁 Conclusion

OpenAI o1 is a significant step forward in AI reasoning capabilities. Its chain of thought approach and use of reinforcement learning enable superior performance on complex reasoning tasks, making it highly effective in domains like programming, math, and science. While there are limitations—particularly in natural language tasks and compute requirements—the integration of safety rules and robust reasoning processes make o1 a powerful tool for complex problem-solving.

Future iterations are expected to further improve o1’s abilities, expanding its usefulness across even more fields.

🚀 Explore the Paper: Interested in pushing the boundaries of what small language models can achieve? This paper is a must-read.

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