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  • SPREADSHEETLLM: Encoding Spreadsheets for Large Language Models

SPREADSHEETLLM: Encoding Spreadsheets for Large Language Models

Research | Development | Consultation

When you think about spreadsheets, you probably imagine endless grids of numbers, text, and formulas. They’re ubiquitous in business and data analysis, but they pose a unique challenge for large language models (LLMs). The sheer size and complexity of spreadsheets often exceed the token limits of these models, making it difficult for them to process and understand the data effectively. This is where SPREADSHEETLLM comes in.


The main goal of SPREADSHEETLLM is to develop an efficient encoding method for spreadsheets that optimizes the understanding and reasoning capabilities of LLMs. The core idea is to address the challenges posed by the extensive grids, flexible layouts, and varied formatting options of spreadsheets.


The researchers behind this project, including Yuzhang Tian, Jianbo Zhao, Haoyu Dong, and others, have introduced a novel approach to tackle these issues.

Initially, the team proposed a vanilla serialization approach that incorporated cell addresses, values, and formats. However, this method quickly proved impractical for large spreadsheets due to token constraints. To overcome this, they developed SHEETCOMPRESSOR, an innovative encoding framework with three key modules:

Structural-anchor-based Compression:

  • Identifies and retains heterogeneous rows and columns at table boundaries while removing homogeneous ones.

  • Produces a condensed "skeleton" version of the spreadsheet that retains essential structure without unnecessary repetition.

Inverted-Index Translation:

  • Uses a dictionary format to index non-empty cell texts and merge addresses with identical text.

  • Optimizes token usage by avoiding redundancy.

Data-format-aware Aggregation:

  • Clusters adjacent numerical cells with similar formats or types.

  • Streamlines understanding without excessive token expenditure.

Key Achievements

  • SHEETCOMPRESSOR significantly reduces token usage and enhances performance in spreadsheet table detection tasks.

  • Achieved a state-of-the-art 78.9% F1 score in spreadsheet table detection, surpassing existing models by 12.3%.

  • The Chain of Spreadsheet (CoS) methodology for downstream tasks like spreadsheet QA demonstrates the framework's versatility and effectiveness.

Experimental Results

The experimental setup involved evaluating the method on various LLMs using a benchmark dataset of real-world spreadsheets with annotated table boundaries.

  • Token Usage Reduction: Reduced by 96%.

  • Compression Ratio: Achieved 25×.

  • F1 Score: Achieved 78.9%, outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods.


  • Significant reduction in token usage (96%).

  • Improved performance in spreadsheet table detection tasks.

  • Versatility in handling various spreadsheet tasks through the CoS methodology.


  • The current method does not utilize spreadsheet format details like background color and borders due to token constraints.

  • The framework does not employ advanced semantic-based compression methods for cells containing natural language.


SPREADSHEETLLM represents a significant advancement in processing and understanding spreadsheet data using LLMs. The SHEETCOMPRESSOR framework effectively addresses challenges related to the size, diversity, and complexity of spreadsheets, achieving substantial reductions in token usage and computational costs. The fine-tuning of LLMs further enhances performance, and the Chain of Spreadsheet methodology extends its applicability to various downstream tasks.

Future work will focus on incorporating format details and exploring advanced semantic compression techniques to further enhance the framework's capabilities. This research opens up new possibilities for leveraging LLMs to handle complex data structures like spreadsheets more efficiently. It’s a step forward in making these powerful models even more versatile and capable.